Back to Saturday's post:
Wow--both exciting and terrifying. The site seems to grow by about 20 hits every 3 days over the last couple weeks. According to the data, some of you stay for a while, and some of you even come back.

Anyway, I don't know who you are, or where you are, but I'm glad some of you enjoy it--makes it seem worthwhile to journal somewhere other than paper journals, or email where so few can share.
I think of you as friends and hope you have a great Labor Day weekend. This is the last hundred visits, and there are somewhere around 350 visits so far. This map leaves out a few international hits I thought were amazing. I added the translator this week for them.
Well, get off the computer and go find some joy today! Celebrate life and "make a moment." Make some sunshine with your "dot"! Light the world.
Have a great Labor Day!

Hi, it's me again. I had to chuckle when I read your stats today. I may have accidentally skewed them over the last couple of weeks as I was viewing sites so I could create my own. I was intially looking for David Crowder music, which brought me to Ursula's site and then yours. Then I thought, I can do this too. Anyway, you were an unknowing mentor for me in this blogging world. I have just begun, so please view any attempts with a great amount of grace. Thanks again, and blessings on you and your family, Shari
We all have mentors who inspired us to start. The first blog I ever viewed was "Shlog" (Shawn Groves). I though...I need that. "Ragamuffin Soul" says..."Blog, it's therepeutic". I tend to agree.
Would love to view your blog and cheer for you, but I don't have the link. As soon as you're ready...fill us in.
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