
Weekend "Moments"

1. Staying Home!
2. Making Cards with my new Scrap Cutter a Sweet Friend Got me for my Birthday--now. I'm a Proverbs 31 woman...making my own cards. What? That qualifies!
3. Cut Apples dipped in Peanut Butter for lunch Saturday with Little Red
4. Frosted Mini Wheats for lunch Sunday (+ a Snickers Protein Bar)
5. Pizza Hut Pizza Delivered
6. Mexican Food--ordering in Spanish, sort of
7. 25 Miles on the Trail with a Friend
8. 3 Hot Baths...(Calgon!) Yup...25 miles?!
9. Soft Gel Ice Packs for ...ouch, my knees.
10. Kitchen Clean--aaaah.
11. Laundry All Done! Aaaaah.
12. Blonds Jump Rope "Tickets" and "Competition" in the basement
13. New Aerobie for me! And I thought I LOVED Frisbee. But, in two trees: climbing the tree...stuck in the tree...ladder and the tree...LONG stick! Rescue!
14. My husband...no pins. Aaah. He looks so much better! And he vaccumed. Aaaaah.
15. That counts for two.
16. He took me to Wal*Mart and entertained 4 yr. old outside while I speed shopped.
17. That also counts for two. (I said "Ten minutes, tops...took 45!" Aaagh.)

18. Husband watched the jump rope "competition" instead of Aggassi so that I could get a nap.
19. That counts for two!
20. Chocolate Chip Pancakes...a hit!
21. Fresh Blueberry Pancakes...my first...they "explode" when they get hot! Whee!
22. World's Finest Chocolate Sales from kids school. Aaaaah.
23. Pooh Stamps...daughter and I remounted & revamped them...Usable, Lightweight! Yes!
24. My favorite happy dress and happy hat. Praise to OxyClean!!! Saved!
25. Fun singing a solo (despite the nerves)--family who babysat!
26. That counts for two.
27. Goodwill Terry Cloth Victoria's Secret Green Fuzzy Robe. $3.00. A best friend when I catch a chill. Like now!
28. Impromptu Pics of Red on the "Setee"...Priceless.
29. Ultimate Lego Creations...Daddy and Boys
30. Mums in Bloom! Red. Brown, Yellow! Wow!
31. Master Life Challenges. Christ at Center of the Circle. ("Me"...not.) The simple-- profound again.
32. A Friend out of Depression!
33. Friend's Baby Due in 2 wks!...#4!
34. Extreme Home Makeover (love that show)...but when they start from scratch, is it a "makeover"?/Tears (like you don't cry watching it)/Cuddles with 6 yr. old daughter...she gets it.
35. Blogging the best...forgetting the worst. As it should be.
36. Available: 4 Cases of Diet, Caffeine Free, Dr. Pepper-- Ice Cold. (Well, it was ONLY 7-Up for years...I'm actually branching out.)
37. God Speaking--guiding me to do the unexpected. Fun. (Was I sure? Oh well. Who cares. Still fun.)
38. Great Bike Ride...only a snake on the trail today! No guns, no cursing, no trucks peeling. Catching up with pink jersey three times! (Had chain troubles, what can I say?). I worked with hard with my internal "Seals Coach" ringing in my ear. He's no fun!
39. Call from a friend/promised visit...just call it birthday month!
40. People who read these crazy lists instead of watching Desperate Housewives (tell me you aren't watching. But, the 9/11 special on Flight 93 was mind boggling. Wow. Heroes.

Well, on to assist with bed time.
Husband does bedtimes...that counts "countlessly"! A man's man...definately. Actually, a woman's man...anyway.

I could have just said my husband had to work all weekend--standard weekend at home,but this was much more fun and greatly therapeutic.

BTW: An Hour on Sunday : Creating Moments of Transformation and Wonder (Amazon Link)by Nancy Beach for making "moments" out of life and in worship.


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