
This is a World's Finest Chocolate Emergency. Caramel. Both the sugar and the chocolate rushing into the veins simulaneously.

I still feel sick. My skin hurts. I have been so tired today I think my head will hit the floor in unexpected moments. Surely it will pass soon.

I rested...napped. It helped for a while.

Did call and checked on an elderly neighbor. Went for a walk with her to a nearby yardsale. Bought some fake fruit to put in a stoneware pottery bowl I bought last year at The Dollar Store.

Everyone likes that bowl. People threaten to steal it at church socials. The last time I picked it up after a funeral, someone saw me take it from the collection area and said if it had stayed there one more day, they were going to claim it as unclaimed. Would have been a loving home, but it was only four days after the funeral! I'd better be more careful.

Have been working on some scriptures from The Message for the little books. That paraphrase lifts you up even when it's saying the hardest stuff--read it when I'm feeling heavy. Writing with a purple metallic gel pen that shimmers. A nice touch--will discuss this with Eugene Peterson. Then again, "Eugene"...maybe not. Well, reading his style, he just might get it. I think I'll switch to hot pink soon. He may have a little more trouble with that one.

You know, just when I thought I wasn't going to be able to pull this project off this week, I got an email from a friend who was working on some content pages. Wow.

Back to the yard sale. (Did I mention my head is swimmy?) I bought a little wooden horse for my son for $5.00! Always wanted a picture of one of the kids on one.

Also found some wooden carved artists masks for our drama director at church. I can't wait to give them to her as a gift. They don't look scarey like some artists masks. Set of three. I'll try to add pics later...the bowl and the masks. Heck, I'm too tired tonight to be that creative. Use the old imagination station. (Anybody else know the Imagination Station?)


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