
You Asked For It

Not worth asking a foggy, sleepy brain to write. Did find codes today to address blog quirks readers have noted. (I REALLY like that they call working with HTML codes on your own site "hacking" now. I feel so much more...I don't know... "subversive" now or something. Before I just needed Tylenol. Now, I think I'm really something.)
  • Archives are now listed from newest to oldest top to bottom. (When I get several months, yes, I'll switch to monthly archival.) Thanks...I don't tend to read my archives and never would have thought of either of these.
  • "Need comments more easily accessible". See sidebar and posts. Type a comment, see your name in lights on both. Have fun meeting each other. Now lookie there, won't that be fun.
  • Also added new sidebar pics and all that fancy jazz. Nobody asked for that actually, I wonder why? Anyway, breaks up the text.
  • In all this, lost a couple units pad spacing between the body column and sidebar...I think they've got it going on or something...can't separate them for the life of me. But, as far as CSS, HTML, and all that other stuff goes, it's been a productive and relatively painless little diversion today. Yee-haw.

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