
Take a Bath, Pt. 2, Sort of...

When you have to sing in front of a crowd:

1. Deoderant does not work. Not two layers, not SureDri. Nothing. Just plan on not hugging anybody and keep your arms down until you're singing...up there...alone. Let them hug you. Don't forget. (Plan a bath and a clothes change before the next outing. Do not overcommit on this principle).

2. You will not eat beforehand, you'll be starving when you are finished...you'll be more thirsty than you've ever been in your life five minutes before stage time.

3. You will be in the bathroom all morning. (Your spouse will have a longing for authentic Mexican the night before. That on top of nerves...ugggh. Prepare for this.)

4. Everyone and everything around you will go into breakdown when you are trying to "center down".

5. Yeah, Los, sound. 7:30 practice we never did get a balance. New aucostic had a bad cord, new bass player I've never played with before--just shoot me now. I grabbed a tamborine and got happy. (This is an incredible stress reliever and takes me out of the "mix" completely for a few minutes. I needed the break myself!)

6. Spouse will be swamped at work--juggle, juggle. Childcare breakdowns and emergencies! Aaaagh!

7. You'll forget all the words to the song the minute you start to get nervous, and you will get nervous. (Trying to rehearse words in the nervous state during the service, God will pick that time to start trying to speak to you, interupting your memorization time! You're like..."Now?" I Need to perform, here! But, it was worth it.)

He provides and blessed me and just does it all! All stops gone, all rules broken, everything everybody ever taught you forgotten, and you live through it and do it and life goes on...and you need a bath.

I yapped a bit, forgot to "not apologize on stage"...oh, well, that's okay sometimes, too. Thought I was home free for take 2 until God came to our Sunday School class and all the stops were pulled. Such raw emotion today the whole hour! "Okay, excuse me, I have to slip out and go sing my happy song about heaven again now!" Whew. Good thing God can "center me down" in T minus 10 and counting.

One Fine Day by Anointed. -- love thinking about Jesus up there preparing mansions for us all right now!

I don't know much, I can't handle your questions or mine. I'm as moody as the rest of you...but I know this one thing...He is a BUILDER, and REBUILDER! He's been hammering for 2000 yrs., and He wants a beautiful home for everybody!
He's not forgotten you or anybody else. He's hard at work.

I love it! You know who taught me that this week? My little 6 yr. old, blond, curly-headed daughter, practicing her memory verse recital in the KJV (A Beka Curriculum). I just have to type it out. Picture the blue eyes shining, blong curls bouncing, standing on one foot, twirling her hair, doing circles as she says it...just too much! Also, insert into it that little wrong "r" sound she's not quite gotten hold of yet...more like a "w" still peeking through.

Let your hearts not be t[w]oubled,
Ye believe in God
Believe also in me.
In my Fathe[w]'s house a[w]e many mansions.
If it we[w]e not so, I would have told ye.
I got to prepa[w]e a place for ye.
And if I got to prepa[w]e a place for ye,
I will come again and receive ye unto myself.
That whe[w]e I am, the[w]e ye may be also.

"Was that it Mom? Have I got it, right?"

"Oh, yeah, Darlin'. You've got it just right."

Thanks, baby girl.

"and ... I Believe in One Fine Day!"

Lovin' you,
~"Stinky" Mommy

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