
Blogging? Spiritual?

I liked this this article on the "spirituality" of blogging. Good reading.

I don't agree with everything Ted says, (and know that he has an agenda going in...he created eChurch and is sold on, or at least tries to sell the idea that blogging could (perhaps should) be the "better church".) I'm not so sure about that, but it is a good supplement for some in my view.

But, he does challenge bloggers. I loved the suggestion that we should look at blogging as a quick moving conversation over a table with friends, not something that should be edited to death, as I tend to do at times.

It is one of the many opportunities I have at this stage of my life to be found to be "real" in the world, showing people something of what "the walk" is like. They may do a search for one of my interest and find a real person on the other end rather than just the information they sought.

Ted also writes a .pdf file, a book, actually, called We Know More Than Our Pastors. While I don't like the title (I certainly could NEVER know more than my pastor, a Greek scholar, former missionary, and with much more experience and wisdom than I will probably ever have), it's a compelling read as to thoughtful blogging. I'm not finished with it yet and may comment again as I find things there worth talking about. Mixing content, I believe, is essential. Something I blogged on one day not long ago and deleted, not sure that it made sense. But, reading someone else write it, I realize it really does make sense to be worried somewhat as to whether seekers would want to come by, and if they come, how accessible, relevant, readable, or real the rest of the blog is to them.

Interested on your comments/thoughts as to his article or blogging in general.


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