
Best Way to Give Relief Out There

Ragamuffin Soul
reminds me of a blog I should have written already.

Not to knock any way you want to give, but if you want to see dollar for dollar, any amount you give go straight to disaster relief with NO administrative costs whatsoever...give through The Southern Baptist Convention. They have trained disaster relief volunteers who wereallowed in as one of the top three setting up a food kitchen, ready and allowed to respond from very early on last week. In order to be allowed down there, you have to be trained in disaster relief ahead of time. If you are willing and able, get that training done and paperwork in so that you can help in times of need.

Anybody feel like Jesus came by and you weren't ready? I have at times, to shelter, clothe, feed, meet practical and urgent needs. Let's give what we can and be prepared to serve.


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