
The Princess Bride

This Guy Falls Down has a reading club going on and this month they chose to read The Princess Bride (entire play script here).

The couple who first discipled us as a young married couple while we were in college (or attempted to help disciple us, bless their hearts) claimed this as a favorite movie. We saw it countless times and roared every time. I love it.

Beware youth ministers. When our youth minister was relatively new here, he decided to play it in the sanctuary on the big screens for the youth. He forgot about the "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." final scene. He shouts an S-O-B, uncharacteristic to the rest of the film which could be heard in adjacent counties I'm sure.

I don't have time to read the book right now, but fter hearing handsome field boy Westley say, "As you wish", to Buttercup, I'm set for life.

Look forward to the comments coming in there. Should be some interesting answers to some puzzling questions raised.

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