
Need Your Thinker

Well, my hurricane friend moms are about to go insane with all these little kids running around a small house out of their normal routine. One told me she couldn't wait until the day when she just felt friendly and happy again. She said she just felt insane. I told her that sanity was not a goal right now. Survival is the goal. She seemed to appreciate the licensce and found it funny. I was actually serious, but humor is a good thing.

Anyway, they are obviously getting depressed and irritable with all the reality soaking in. A lot of practical needs are being addressed. I've been thinking about doing something sentimental for them, as everything sentimal except family itself is lost.

I'm working on the construction of some home-made little 6X6 scrapbooks I'm going to fill with inspring quotes and maybe a few pics of their kids some of us have taken here and there at parties for them and stuff. I'm not coming up with a lot on my own that suits without getting too heavy. If you've got something funny or inspiring or a letter or word of encouragement you want me to add with your state's name, I'll definately consider putting it in there and will post a pic of them when I'm done. We are all reading and finding peices of encouaragement as we think and pray...so let me know what you've come up with. Some good humor is good, too, if we can pull that off.

I'm working on three here that I know are here for starters...I may need help from other scrappers (people who love to scrapbook if you are unfamiliar with the lingo) if there are more families who come this way, but I think I can pull out three in week if I get started. Finished the cover for the first today.

Oh, and...as a note, somebody must have prayed for me today. At 2:12, I felt great, fever broke, got an incredible amount of work done. Painted 23 fence panels husband needed done with the oil based primer I've been dreading getting back into (hint, HINT, Hint, hinT...I was getting subtle clues as to the time of year every day pushing me to proceed). Rain later this week. I was SO proud. Even got the man roast beef, carrots, cornbread, and new potatoes for supper. Yes, I deserve that shopping trip to that scrapbooking store going out of business this week, don't you think? It's all for a good cause!!!

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