

I'm going to be babysitting tomorrow and Red's still asleep, so rather than thinking of something to blog, I'm going to just go sit with the Lord in my PJs and worship today. In all the words and busy-ness, I just miss Him.

Actually, we've been together...He's been leading, filling, empowering me all week. I just miss...well, ministering to him I guess.

So, I'm going to go attempt to minister to the Lord of all, creator of the universe.

Before I leave, there is an interesting fact amongst this blog overnight(Brits like that word, amongst...just doesn't roll off the tongue). Four of you spent "more than a day" here together.

What is this? A party? I didn't even offer you food! I've got well, The World's Finest Chocolate (obviously), some week old tea, ice cold Diet Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper, and day old Wal-mart chicken strips (they are pretty good). Pop Tart? So, I've not cooked much this week. Working on that for Thursday.

Anyway...that's cool. Wish you all could meet each other. You hold something in common...those of you I know somewhat. You all bring a healing smile to the world. You breathe commitment and passion and life and humor. I love the twinkle in your eye, and the servanthood in your footfalls.

One fun party. Wow.

So, now that the traffic is down and it's the faithful few for a while. Perhaps you'll grow safe here and get to know each other a bit over time, who knows? I hope so. May your paths cross and may be you be lifted with the countenance of the faithful.

Know you are loved dearly by the Lord and by "Me" today.



Mysti said...

You're not talking about my kid are you? She needs a sitter NEXT Thursday, the 22nd. Can't get e-mail to you for some reason.

Joan said...

Uh, yes. I was. Did I mention I mention that my friends ARE my calendar? They know this. They are responsible for hinting about their birthdays and such or I WILL forget. I'm just upfront about the whole thing. Stay in touch, you'll get a card. If not, Happy Year and Such.

Thanks! See you NEXT week. Good running into you for the walk today!!! What a treat!