

Wow. Today has been a good day. Good deep questions. Good encouragement. Good fellowship. Good food! First potato soup of the season. I might share the recipe, given enough interest.

From where I started to where I ended up...there is a God in heaven who cares for me very much!

E.M--Stomping cans has proved therapeutic! You are the world's greatest ear.
C.J.--Good timing on the call and encouragement. This sky's for you.
J.A.--Great white Mexican cheese sauce! Mmm. Sent hubbie for some tonight!
TS --Thanks for prayers today. Sensitive observation.
Tunz--Thanks for prayers/thoughts today...understanding. Sorry about your daughter's hair issues.
Misty--Thanks for prayers/invitations/handling the chaos of my life with a laugh. Keep walking strong!

Up too late...not wanting to start over! I wanna play more!


1 comment:

Carlos said...

WOW. That sunset makes me want to leave LA and head for the country. Enjoy your place.