
Does "Fruit" Equal Evangelism?

Well, this week I have stumbled upon an apparent truth I have not embraced before. It has to do with my question from last weekend...is fruit of the Spirit synonomous with evangelism...can, in thought, writing, the two terms be used, virtually interchangeably?

I thought not. After all, fruit is not a "results based" effort. Not an effort at all, really. We abide in the vine, and the fruit grows. The emphasis, nor the effort, should be on fruit, but on abiding, which usually means, obeying. The emphasis is on hearing, doing, and being in Him.

So, what of evangelism?

Avery Mills, who wrote MasterLife, THE Baptist discipliship course, uses it that way. His life-long emphasis being, evangelism. In person, he seems to be a teacher, gentle, wise, courteous, mild mannered, but strong. But, his life is one of seeking to save that which was lost...going to the by-ways and finding the lost, going to the bars, etc. At times, in the flesh. But, nonetheless, if there was anything I would want to err on doing in the flesh at times, evangelism would be a good place to err rather than other pursuits.

So, this week, the doctorate, wise leader of our course says that line of thought is a bit outdated in the book. That fruit bearing should encompass also seeking and saving "the lost" as Jesus did...anyone out of active fellowship with Christ. Not just the unsaved. Well, that rounded it out a bit for me.

Still, the thought this week is that the "fruit" I so want generated in my life as a result of knowing Christ, what end result do I want to see in all that? I think much of the time I just want to be less annoying to myself and others. I want to be more productive (errantly substituting "fruit" for worldy fruit, not the kind Jesus describes in Galations 5 = love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Our memory verse for the week, part of the disciple's "cross" picture says this: "This is to my Father's glory that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." John 15:8.

You know what? It's not about me being more tolerable. It's not about me doing anything better or more productive. It's not about me even being more Christ-like for the sake of wanting to just be like him, really. Those aren't so bad. But, the real motivation?

To glorify my maker by bearing much fruit so that I will be known as a follower of His SO THAT, yes, people may want to know Him also.

Avery challenged me also this week to be more diligent in saying "Why". When someone says, "You are so ______________"! in complimenting us, we are to not be negligent in saying, "You want to know why?" We feel like we are just baiting the hook...that eventually, if we just look like Christ long enough, they will make the connection.

Avery says, "No!" That IS our connection. Complete the circuit. Don't leave them hanging. Don't always expect you'll have that next opportunity. We are busy people in a busy world, tell them right then and there that Christ has made you that way. Because chances are, the area they notice is not your strongest "thing"...it's something He's done in you. Why? To help you evangelize. To give you a doorway to connect with others. The fruit contains "seed"...it is meant to bear more fruit for Him. Though this is not explicitely stated or pointed out in scripture as the role of fruit, everything we are to be about is the Great Commission. Go make disciplies, teach, baptize! So, yes, the fruit, everything He is making in us is to set us up to know Him better, glorify Him, and bring others to Him.

I guess the question for me is...where have I been? What I need to spend a WOLE lot more time praying is for the Lord to bring me into contact with those who need to see Him. Even uncompleted, He shines in me. Hang around just the body of Christ long enough and you know what? You get a jaded picture of what the whole game is about. You will never look like him or her, never be where they are exactly...your walk is your walk. Walk it in such a way to make an impact on the unsaved. Don't just walk it in such a way to be acceptable to the body of Christ.
With a lot of young kids in my house, I've been rather isolated, and have been sharpened by that community, but it's time to pray for God to expand my circles of contact...to make the investments, be open to it, to touch a generation that needs Christ.

Burdened for the next place, wherever it may be...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, excellent thoughts. I really appreciate what you have been sharing. It is remarkable how the things God is laying on your heart are also on mine so when you blog something it is something I have usually been dealing with/thinking about. Just want to send encouragement, go girl!