
First Jitters Re: Sunday PM

So, now the doubt begins. I've been working to play aucostic as I lead for about a year now...did it a couple times with a backup aucostic in case I got tired or couldn't keep tabs on the prompters, order within the song, needed to give vocal cues. Worked pretty well, though having to match strumming after you have "your thing" going on practicing all week is hard.

Just found out tonight my backup I had lined up can't make it Sunday night. So, now do I keep it small and intimate for Fall Break (simple)? No, I may risk appearing too self important to not have others on stage with me. For that crowd, probably so. Uggh. Simple sounds good to me, even if I fail! But, I know it's probably not wise to put myself under that kind of pressure.

So, what now? I have maybe a drummer, no bass yet, and most singers will proably be out. Trying to find women's voices who don't overshoot mine is hard, --needaltos who are skilled in "mello" and yet able to fill when my voice wears out...also hard.

I don't know about this whole leading thing...how you guys do it week after week. The semantics wear me out. God deals with me in content. How to fit him into the service. How the flow of the whole works, where we can see Him.

I'm getting nervous I guess. I'm visualizing several testimonies broken up by music. That way, I get a break, listeners get a break. BUT, downfall...flow will be distrupted. Have to jump start them with dynamite some weeks anyway... very mixed crowd age wise. I love the older generation, but once you get them clapping, you better never stop.

Lord, show me what to do, sink or swim.


1 comment:

Mysti said...

I've said this before, and I think it applies to most folks in the congregation: the praise/worship team always sounds great and we can't tell most of the time when somebody doesn't keep up or skips a note or forgets words, etc. You do a great job and it's amazing how you can keep up with that big responsibility. Keep up the good work and the faith!