
smells of turkey wafting

turkey in the oven. came home to check it. hubby made it home for dinner after all! still, we'll have wonderful turkey leftovers you never get eating at houses of family members.

all quiet here...too quiet. checking out pop radio, haven't listened in months. rap. hmmmph.

everyone gone to help mom pull out the tree...we'll decorate her house for christmas for her tonight. new tradition i started for them a few years ago.

i will buzz around here and clean up the kitchen and laundry some while they pull things out of the attic there.

so thankful for all of you who read and connect to my life through blogs. thanks for showing all the different levels of life, of "normal", of celebration, triumph, learning, and struggle. thank you for daring to be real, and unashamedly loving every minute of it.

may GOD richly bless you through the holiday season, and may you enjoy finding gifts for your loved ones....somehow!


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