
A Winter's Date

A Winter's Date is the best there is! Winter gets so monotonous.

We had a great date! Found lots of sales...yeah, I'm in a mood to "show somebody what I got", so be prepared.

Easter Polos for the boys. Several shirts and pants for Red for next Winter,a bunch of clothes for Goldilocks. We just went and did "whatever"...kid's stuff was on major sale. We had a great time picking out our preferences together.

If you refuse to shop with your wife...you are missing out on some fun time. We just had a blast seeing all that's out there for kids now. CUTE!

AND...(drumroll needed here)my man found a sale on suits and got his first in our married life, just for me. He had some, but they were old or mix and match.

No, not a pinstripe, not a slate grey, not mix match, but a full, black, plain, suit. Mmmm. He looked really good. I can't wait until it's alterned and we have any special occassion at all to dress up and go out for!

So, we ate at Rafferty's...had there wonderful potato soup. Heaven. Appetizer sampler--average, and a nice salad.

Of course, hit the scrapbooking circuit during his meeting. I managed to find a thing or two I couldn't live without.

So, there's the wondefully refreshing journal of a wonderfully refreshing break...until I popped my tailbone again acting silly. Man!

The house is quiet, deliciously so (...and I'm starting to miss my kids.)

Back to Mommyhood!

1 comment:

Mysti said...

Maybe you need some butt padding ;) Watch that behind, girl! Ha, ha!