

Okay, so it's Easter Eve. I should be thinking of certain scriptures and stories.

All I can think of is the immediate, certain, and sure demise of a certain visitor to my kitchen which I just heard scamper across the floor.

I made my husband watch guard while I cooked for the Sunday meal tomorrow. He marched back and forth behind me with quite the dramatic flare.

We'd like to think it looks all Easter cute like the above picture. Actually, it is the reality of the below.

How untimely a critter to interrupt my thoughts this Easter Eve!

All that is in my heart is...murder.

Okay, for me, it's a frightful mouse. But, still. Disconcerting. I want that sucker dead!

I think the spring rains occassionally invite them in from the fields nearby. Aaaaah! It just ran under my chair! I'm seriously not kidding! My husband is on the attack...with his weapon of choice, a broom.

He's going to sweep it to death?

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