
Chillin' with God

Well, three days past Easter and I've not posted. I think that's a record.

I've been chillin' with God.

I just wanted to hang out with Him for a while not dragging him along with my schedule.

Oh, it's all His or I couldn't/wouldn't do it at all...but you know the feeling. We just needed some R & R together.

Tuesday, turns out we were both hungry for Cinnabon rolls, so we kneeded dough and watched it "Rise Again". I loved the play on words when I thought of that. I took rolls to a few people who needed them and that was fun.

Praise band practice, soccer practice, wrote the Upward devotional. Today: kids to school, Wal*Mart, nearly got sideswiped by a lady on the four lane, then took the devotion for proof and printing and delivered a few more rolls.

The schedule of my life literally shocks me every day right now. I can't seem to keep up. You'd think I'd be used to it, but I'm not. The time frames, demands, and schedule constantly change about the time I've got it all figured out. Guess that's true for us all. It just surprises me.

How in the world we tame all the running, I've yet to figure out. New PDA pocket planner in my pocket, yet still forgetting commitments. I was supposed to take snacks to my son's soccer practice last night -- somewhere in between swapping kids at the gas station to get them all where they needed to go on time...I forgot.

Oh, well, we all miss a few, right?

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