
Random Outline

1. Jogging for the first time in the Spring is one of life's greater delights.
a. You do not have to be a regular jogger to enjoy
b. You will encounter annoying dogs very excited about this (in my case, one ferociously defending her litter of 4-5 pups who also will exist in my jogging path ALSO unchained, no doubt. Cute critters...but not for a family with young kids and their little tike friends who wonder what shots they've had...or not.)
c. Jogging in green grass is optimal.

2. Spring !
a. Enough tragedy.
b. Enough of the heavy!
c. clean the top of your fridge, though you NEVER see it.

*Red and white blooms on trees, daffodils, lilac, purple moss...I'll say it again. AWAKE! Smell! See! It's beautiful!

3. I love my friends.
a. All of them.
b. They are awesome.
c. Keep climbing higher.
d. I'll catch you if you fall.
e. If I push you, it's because I love you and believe in you.
f. Push.
g. Claim all that is yours! From the east to the west, north to the south. Embrace it all! Maximize! Isaiah says, "Lengthen your stakes!" I love that.

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