

When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him
and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the
other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. Exodus
17:12 (

I love my Aaron's and Hurs. When I start feeling so tired. Just out of steam. Doing the right things, called by God to "be where I am"...but just get weary in all the responsibilities, service--"stuffs"....someone arrives to hold up my arm, speaking faith and life into me again.

I am reminded in those moments that it's not me, my strength, my ability, my energy...but His, flowing through Him to me, through His people, the body of Christ to me... supplying all I need to persevere--to keep walking in humility instead of my own pride.

We are so afraid of being accused of being "propped" by anything. Oh, Christianity is just a "crutch"...don't you hate the sound of that?

We are so individualistic.

So bent on that same toddler cry, "I CAN DO IT MYSELF!" Untying that shoe someone just took the time to tie...just to prove that we can DO IT! AND BETTER!

You know what? Let someone "tie your shoelaces" today. Just let them do it. Enjoy it.


PS: I really hate to be the one to break this, but while I'm here: big secret....Broken people need crutches. (If you haven't been "broken", you likely will be.) Thank God for the crutches he gives. Crutches let us heal, protect us, and make us stronger. He keeps us from becoming dependant on them...they are too annoying to keep using unless we really need them. He weans us from any crutch other than Himself, right? Yeah.

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