
Christmas Morning

A few pics of Christmas Morning. Slept in 'til 8!

Son couldn't sleep and came downstairs with Dad...snored, sniffled, and grunted continuously.

I couldn't sleep, so I went to his room. His 6:30 alarm, thankfully, failed to go off!

The thing I am most proud of is the journals I started for hubbie, daughter, and oldest son in August. Everyone seemed to be surprised that I'd been doing it, and all came to thank me personally later after taking time to read the entries. Sometimes, we esteem everyone but our family members.

We made earrings for teachers, painted clear glass ball ornaments (the insides) with acrylic paints (fun and messy...until you drop and break one...yup, I did. Wet hands--stuff flew to high heaven), and we took "Good, Bad, and Ugly's" idea (sidebar) for Christmas Tree cones with green icing and sprinkles on Christmas Eve...lots of fun while the turkey baked. We also used her M&M poem idea for an interactive element to the Christmas story at my Moms...my job this year. So, thanks!

Well, loading for pics takes just as long with XP I have to say...I'll have to re-download "Hello" from blogger...MUCH faster using flash technology.


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