

Today...I put up more Christmas lights!

I found two prints for my bathroom for that blank spot on the wall, and I REALLY like them. 50% off Hobby Lobby--Yes!

I touched up with paint a few placed on the walls...doesn't look so great, but I tried.

I drove an hour to pick up my computer.

I got some more glass ornaments to paint for friends.

I went to Lowe's and bought a lavendar poinsettia to give to my mother in law for being the world's greatest this week. It had pastel glitter all over it. It was cool.

THEN....I came home and tackled this house like nothing you've ever seen. Never did get to mop the kitchen floor, but I wasn't sticking to it yet. Had twenty people here for MasterLife and food. Was great. I love those guys. Such a diverse group.

My high school home ed teacher is visiting our church for the class. She looked at me and said, "Student, show me what you've done with the place." Whew. I forgot she'd taught me home ec! She gave me an A!

I try to use what I've been given and not duplicate just for the sake of the trend or replacement. I want so much to just live simply. To not be pulled by the desire to compare, compete, or all those things that can keep me SO busy constantly.

Oh, I like a touch of the new. But, I LOVE the old. Making something useful out of everything. Not thowing it away only to have to replace it with something else. I like that.

Today has blessed me. No, I still didn't get to my Bible study, but I will catch up! All in all, I think God taught me the same lessons without my opening the book, and I enjoyed what I was supposed to this week...my girl and her play, and entertaining my friends.
It's Christmas! Time for a break. A party. A smile. A gift. Aaaah. Rest in it.

Looks like I'll be driving in the ice and snow tomorrow to do the play. Pray for the safety of our lead actors in particular...driving age and a 40 minute commute. Pray for wisdom on our parts as to how to handle the schedule. The theatre survives off of showing kids shows...we really need to do the shows. Hard deicision.


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