
Site Traffic

Wow. Look at all the little dots! There are actually people reading this thing! I started typing two weeks ago and Ms. Private didn't even "list". I'm journaling on the web afraid people will read it? Well, seeing as how people are reading, figured today I may as well.

Life is worth sharing...worth celebrating!

Let's see: My banner "blogging" moment so far was last week the worship minister "Los" at Sandals church in CA cited my blog. Sandals is a progressive church (for lack of a better description...see their cite) who reaches people by "being real" (...what a concept.) We love it, and are emmulating that heart attitude where we are--seeing people come to Jesus.

The whole blog thing is pretty fun. We are years into the trend -- I'm just really figuring out what a blog is! There's a Mom's life for you. It's quite a FUN way to celebrate life together; we could all use some CELEBRATING!

Easy to create as well. With "blogger"(Google sponsored), it's free and fairly easy. I've tweaked mine, but you don't have to. Try it if you want to open your heart to the world...all me if you need help.

Let me know something you celebrated today--comment below.

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