
Q Revealed

Some are stumped with Q.
Others crazy over X.

What a Challenge for you guys.

Q first.

At first, the "Q" word in the list that describes God seemed to me more like an attribute God wants US to have. But, thinking on it, if He wants us to have an attribute, He already possesses as part of His character, right?

So, I'll give it to the author. As I said, the interesting thing is, opposite is also true of Him. I'll list my very favorite verse that reveals "Q".
"Because you have kept my word in quiet strength, I will keep you from the hour of testing which is coming on all the world." Revelation 3:10 BBE

I guess I've had seasons in my prayer life that exemplified the quietness of God--just didn't realize He was revealing part of who He was to me. Terrified me. I'd go sit and pray,wanting to speak and hear from him. He was quiet and it seemed my spirit knew not to speak...as in "do not say a word, and I'm not saying a word". Last year, that lasted about four weeks. I mean, I kept looking at it...I really hadn't been ranting or raving at the time as I have at some times.

I tried to learn to rest in it. It was a huge effort it lasted so long, and I was so used to His voice, and the sound of mine going up to Hi. It was new and weird and different. I eventually realized I was still "praying" without so much "conversation" and singing and dialogue. I guess it's like the concept of Purpose Driven Life that "all of life is worship". (As a lead worshipper, that one threw me for a long time. I'm petting my cat and thinking...you mean to tell me this is worship...come on! But, whatever gives Him pleasure is worship. Much like watching my kids just enjoy life...it brings me such joy.) Perhaps He was also teaching me that all of life is prayer--or can be. I don't know. I continue to glean things about Him from that time.

I kept wondering if I had some hidden thing that was keeping me from hearing... or almost worse, Him wanting to hear from me. Necessary trust--when there are no words.

Our God who is loud is also very quiet.

Thought about writing a song about God's quietness--this came to mind. Might be a hit.
"In the secret, in the quiet place,
in the stillness you are there.
In the secret, in the quiet hour I wait,
only for you,
cause I want to know you more."

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