
Red Tic Tacs

The first morning of getting ready for school began, and I was fixing breakfast.

My little first grader came up to me and said, "Mom, do you have any mints?"

I said, "Well, yes, hon, I do. Why?"

She said, "Can I take them with me in my supply box?"

I said, "Yes, but do you think you're going to need them at school?"

She said, "Yeah, I heard that Ms. Stephanie tells kids it is rude to tell other kids they have bad breath. She said that we should say, 'Want a mint?' Well, my friend only brushes her teeth at night, and her breath is SO gross! So, I'm going to say, 'Want a mint?'"

She got my tic tacs.

I think she worked all summer on that plan.

You know what they say about the prepared mind. Well, I'm sure there's good quote about it I could add. If you know one...post it and I'll add it.

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