
Recipe for a Great 4th

Watermelon + Grilled Hamburgers + Swimming + Neice + Nephew + 2 sets of joyful grandparents + strawberry punch bowl cake + homemade ice cream + fireworks + old quilts + summer storms + setting off home fireworks (a first!)+ Coca Cola + lots of friends + football + stroller walks + impromptu grilling party + old friends + lots of red, white, and blue + flowers in full bloom + suntans + excitement of toddlers + family + laughing = ONE HAPPY GIRL.

Yup. The 4th is still my favorite. Even in sad and stressful times. Joy, Joy, Joy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a great 4th too! I had my husband's family (around 12-15 people) over to a cook out/hubby's birthday and we had a really good time. It has been 2 weeks since we lost an important part of the family, the grandfather, father, uncle, etc. It was different without him. After that watched fireworks in town with best friends and my parents. What a nice day! Got home and crashed was so tired from all the cooking! Have a great day!