

I'm moving! Uh, no....not in that sense. Just the blog.

Been at blogger almost a year! Faithful attenders here. Time for more options--CATEGORIES!!! Ah! Bless my weary soul. (Didn't I try to make it work here? I milked Blogger for all it was worth and then some.)

WordPress.Com ==free. Yes! God is good! Does he hear the most remote desire of our hearts, or what?

www.5purposedriven.WORDPRESS.com I want all your comments over there, today! Housewarming party! Change those linkies and bookmarks. You really don't want to come looking again later at a dead blog, now do you? How lame. Bookmark me now!

Imported my blogger posts yesterday (most of them). 100 or so wouldn't import...I doubt we'll miss them! I'll work on getting some of those categorized just for sport soon.

So, to WordPress it is. Today....right now....the jump....................****wheeeeeee'''''''!!!!


I'll still get comment emails from this blog should anyone desire to do so here at blogger, but don't...go to www.5purposedriven.WORDPRESS.COM!


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